Duo Fruit Pear Tree
£2999 GBP
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Now everyone can grow fruit trees in the minimum of space! These incredible duo fruit trees have been meticulously grafted by highly skilled nurserymen to yield 2 different pear varieties growing on one rootstock! What's more, the rootstocks are dwarfing, meaning that your trees will always remain compact!
They are perfect for anyone who loves the idea of picking their own home-grown fresh fruit, but has limited space. Each of the varieties will produce bumper crops of delicious, full-sized fruit. Because they are already trained into a V shape, they are perfect for growing up a wall or fence.
Conference Pear � Produces a large crop of fruits with clear, white flesh that are ready to pick each September. The long, tapering fruits are packed with an irresistible sweetness and lip-smacking juice that will drip from your chin when you bite into a ripe one! Because of its outstanding flavour, it remains the most popular pear grown in Britain by a long measure, both in commercial orchards and home gardens. It is perfect for you to grow because it is very heavy cropping and when picked unripe, is great for keeping for 2 or more months. Crops: September�October
Buerre Hardy Pear � This scrumptious pear variety. with its russet skin, produces large crops of elegant, tapering fruits with white flesh that are ready to pick from September each year. Each one is packed with an incredibly sweet, irresistible juice � delicious when eaten straight from the tree! Try to save some for later, though, as they will make wonderful desserts for your Christmas parties. Concorde is perfect for gardeners to grow because it is very heavy cropping and will keep for over two months when picked unripe. Crops: September�October
Supplied in a 5L pot, 100-120cm tall, grafted on a single rootstock with 2 pear varieties